Hotjar component for Astro
Hotjar component for Astro
Astro integration to deploy your site to Lagon
An Astro integration for Orama
The Reactive Form component for Astro 🔥
This is a template for an Astro integration. Use this template for writing integrations to use in multiple projects or publish to NPM.
Windicss + Astro integrations
Watch and execute TypeScript processes alongside your Astro development server. Useful for mocking, WebSocket, bundler…
Sections for astro
Support AsciiDoc pages in Astro
A pure css and html tabs component for Astro
Astro Accordion - HTML, CSS and a bit of javascript made with Custom Elements accordion for Astro.
A toolkit for writing interactive tutorials
Social images generator for Astro
Get the hash used by the Astro compiler to scope css rules.
Use Cooklang recipes within Astro
Astro component for static rendering of commands. This allows you build components in any language.
A straight-forward `Icon` component for Astro.
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
Submit integration