Matomo integration for Astro
Matomo integration for Astro
Expose your local Astro server to the internet
An Astro Dev Toolbar Plugin which let's you edit Tailwind classes in the browser!
Deploy your Astro site to Vercel Edge Functions
Use the Astro Simple Analytics Plugin to quickly integrate Simple Analytics in your Astro project with parameter control over several features.
Lighthouse Pagespeed insights within the Astro dev toolbar
A Dev Toolbar App to display the size of the current viewport—as a tailwind class.
An adapter for deploying an Astro application to AWS Lambda
Progressively enhanced. This component globally override regular `title` attributes on all links with Tippy.js tooltips.
Add custom 'public' directories in Astro
Build cross-platform desktop apps with Electron and Astro
Use Feelback service within your Astro website
Bundle of website development and technology icons
A flexible, accessible pagination component for displaying links to next, previous, first, last and a window of pages in your Astro site.
astro-rename is an Astro integration that brings postcss-rename functionality to your Astro project without the need for configuration.
> Allows Astro to run your SSR site with the Bun's native API `Bun.serve`.
An Astro component that returns a random greeting in a random language
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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